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1 Preliminaries 1. Terminology Lineal Tree Pedigree Tree ( binary tree )
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const int maxLen = 128; class String { int curLen; //串的当前长度 char *ch; //串的存储数组 public: String ( const String& ob ); String ( const char * init );
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采用计算机对生产过程进行监视和测量的系统,一般称 为数据采集系统 (Data Acquisition System 简称DAS),或称为 计算机安全监视系统、计算机信息处理系统、数据采集监视 和处理系统等。 国外最早应用计算机对生产过程进行监视和测量在60年代 初期,据统计,1968年时美国在火电厂应用计算机已多达190 多台,其中70%左右为纯粹的DAS系统,30%左右除DAS系统 以外,少部分具有的运行控制功能
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Balanced search tree: A search-tree data structure for which a height of O(lg n) is guaranteed when implementing a dynamic set of n items
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Defintion: GDP is the total market value of all final goods and services produced by a country. Final versus Intermediate: By \final\, we mean the goods and service that are purchased for final use by purchaser and not for resale or further processing. The meaning intermediate is opposite to final. Value Added: GDP not only reflects the market value of final goods and service, but also reflect the income generated from producing these final goods and service
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5.1 4位加法计数器的VHDL描述 5.2不同工作方式的时序电路设计 5.3 数据对象DATA OBJECTS
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1. 在 PC 机上使用 C 语言,若有如下定义: struct data { int i; char ch; float f; }a; 则结构变量 a 占用内存的字节数是
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《商务智能:数据分析的管理视角 Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science:A Managerial Perspective》教学资源(习题,原书第4版)chapter 5 Predictive Analytics II:Text, Web, and Social Media Analytics
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《商务智能:数据分析的管理视角 Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science:A Managerial Perspective》教学资源(习题,原书第4版)chapter 8 Future Trends, Privacy and Managerial Considerations in Analytics
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复旦大学:《程序设计》课程教学资源(PPT课件)Chapter 2 Primitive Data Types and Operations
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