3-1 Introduction 3-2 Definition Architecture 3-3 Why have Architecture 3-10 3-5 Definition Architecture 3-6 The V.and X.standards 3-7 Advs and disadvs of standards 3-8 Communication Architecture 3-9 ISO Reference Model 3-4 Standards making org 3-11 Internet Architecture 3-12 Manufactures Architecture 3-13 A caveat about 3-14 Layered architecture
5.1 Windows NT/2000系统的安全基础 5.2 Windows NT/2000的安全模型 5.3 Windows NT/2000用户登录与账户管理 5.4 用活动目录管理Windows 2000的账户 5.5 Windows NT/2000系统的访问控制与权限 5.6 Windows NT/2000系统数据保护措施 5.7 Windows NT/2000系统的缺陷 5.8 常见破解Windows NT/2000密码的方法及防范措施 5.9 Windows NT/2000的安全管理 5.10 利用输入法漏洞本地入侵Windows 2000的防范