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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 6.1 Catalytic hydrogenation converts an alkene to an alkane having the same carbon skeleton. Since 2-methylbutane is the product of hydrogenation, all three alkenes must have a four-carbon chain with a one-carbon branch. The three alkenes are therefore:
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 7.1 (c)Carbon-2 is a stereogenic center in 1-bromo-2-methylbutane, as it has four different substituents: H, CH, CH,CH2, and BrCH2. H BrCH2-C-CH2CH, CH3 (d) There are no stereogenic centers in2-romo-2- me. Br CH:-C-CH,CH3 CH, 7.(b) Carbon-2 is a stereogenic center in 1, 1, 2-trimethylcyclobutane
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The positive charge is shared equally by the three carbons indicated. Thus the two carbons ortho to the sp. e sp-hybridized carbon and the one para to it each bear one third of a positive charge (+0.33). None of the other carbons is charged. The resonance picture and the simple MO treatment agree with respect to the distribution of charge in cyclohexadienyl cation
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 13.1 The field strength of an NMR spectrometer magnet and the frequency of electromagnetic radia he Ire tion used to observe an NMR spectrum are directly proportional. Thus, the ratio 4.7 T/200 MHz is the same as 1.41/60 MHz. The magnetic field strength of a 60-MHz NMR spectrometer is
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20.1 () Carboxylic aci id anhydrides bear two acyl groups on oxygen, as in RCOCR. They are named as derivatives of carboxylic acids. Q CH:CH2CHCOH CH,CH,CHCOCCHCH_CH3 C6H C. C. 2-Phenylbutanoic acid 2-Phenylbutanoic anhydride (c) Butyl 2-phenylbutanoate is the butyl ester of 2-phenylbutanoic acid. CH,CH,CHCOCH,CH,CH2CH
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 21.1 Ethyl benz emuale cannor undergo the Claisen condensation, beca use it has no protons on its a- t has ho ts a-carbon on its a- atom and so cannot form an enolate Ethyl pentanoate and ethyl phenylacetate can undergo the Claisen condensation
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Chlorotoluene Benzyl chloride Of this group only benzyl chloride is not an aryl halide; its halogen is not attached to the aromatic ring but to an sp-hybridized carbon. Benzyl chloride has the weakest carbon-halogen bond, its measured carbon-chlorine bond dissociation energy being only 293 kJ/mol (70 kcal/mol). Homolytic cleavage of this bond produces a resonance-stabilized benzyl radical
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Look at the drawing from a perspective that permits you to see the carbon chain oriented ver tically with the aldehyde at the top and the Ch,oh at the bottom. Both groups should point away from you. When examined from this perspective, the hydrogen is to the left and the hydroxyl to the right with both pointing toward you
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水平测试一答案 一、用 IUPAC命名法命名下列化合物(10分): 1.(Z)3-甲基-4-异丙基-3-庚烯 2.1,6-二甲基环己烯 3.2,6,6-三甲基-3-乙基辛烷 4.(S)3-甲基-1-戊烯-4-炔 5.3-甲基二环[4.40]癸烷
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Vorwort 1,5 Tage(18 Stunden)4, 5 Personen, 5,5 Computer 8 Kannen Kaffee. a. 10000 Kcal Bei diesem Skript ist zu beachten: Bei sich in analoger Weise wiederholenden Whelandkomplexen wurde aus Zeit-und Platzgrunden auf die mesomeren Grenzformeln verzichtet. Gleiches trifft auch auf die meisten Ubergangszustande bei S-Reaktionen zu Auch wurde nur in dem Versuch 2E1 die Diazotierung vollstandig ausformuliert, da sie sich von den anderen Beispielen nicht unterscheidet
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