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Primary Structure Sequencing Nucleic Acids核酸序列测定 Chain termination method (dideoxy method), developed by F. Sanger Base-specific chemical cleavage, developed by Maxam and Gilbert Both use autoradiography- X-ray film develops in response to presence of radioactive isotopes in nucleic acid molecules
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:6.11MB 文档页数:71
Outline 6.1 Forces Influencing protein structure 6.2 Role of the amino acid sequence in Protein structure 6.3 Secondary structure of proteins 6.4 Protein Folding and tertiary structure 6.5 Subunit Interactions and Quaternary Structure
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:2.71MB 文档页数:57
Outline 4.1: Amino Acids: Building Blocks of Proteins 4.2: Acid-Base Chemistry of Amino Acids 4.3: Reactions of Amino Acids 4.4: Optical Activity and Stereochemistry of Amino Acids 4.5: Spectroscopic Properties of Amino Acids 4.6: Separation and Analysis of a.a. Mixtures
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网页制作教程_第12章 利用ADO实现网页与数据库的链接
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网页制作教程_第10章 JavaScript和DHTML技术
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网页制作教程_第8章 网页表单的处理
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网页制作教程_第6章 网页图像处理
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网页制作教程_第4章 网页表格的处理
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网页制作教程_第2章 创建站点
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中国科学院物理学院普通物理学课程:《力学》教程PPT课件 第十章 波动和声(蒋小平)
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