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§5~1 地下水的基本概念 §5~2 地下水的类型 §5~3 地下水的补给、径流与排泄
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1. Calculate the force at the base of a continental block that has a uniform thickness of 25km, length of1000km, width of500km, and density of2.70. What is the stress on the bottom of the block?
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Complete the block diagrams for the following features. Be sure to include the appropriate map symbols on your drawings. Inclined anticline with hinge surface
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§2.1地壳是固体地球的外部层圈 §2.2矿物 §2.3岩石
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《工程地质学》课程PPT教学课件:第一章 绪论
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《构造地质学》课程教学资源:练习05 阐述
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《构造地质学》课程教学资源:练习04 简述
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《构造地质学》课程教学资源:练习03 简答
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《构造地质学》课程教学资源:练习02 填空
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《构造地质学》课程教学资源:练习01 名词解释
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