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18.1 Paper is made of cellulose fibers Paper was first made HARDWOOD FIBERS in China as early as AD 100, of mulberry bark, and then introduced to Western world by Arabs in eighth century. The first paper mills were built in spain in 11th century
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he term \organic\ appears to have been used for the first time about 1777 and was applied to those materials occurring in or derived from living organisms. Accordingly, such substances as starch, alcohol, and urea were classified as organic. for starch is produced by living plants, alcohol is a product of fermentation caused by
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erivatives of the hydrocarbons are formed, by replacing one or more hydrogen atoms by other groups referred to as functional groups An alcohol is closely related to a hydrocarbon in that it contains an Oh group in place of a hydrogen atom. Thus, methyl alcohol, CH3 OH, is a derivative of methane, CH4; and ethyl alcohol
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认识黑客(Hacker) Hacker起源 Hack:(1) cut roughly or clumsily,chop(砍、辟) (2)horse may be hired (3) person paid to do hard and uninteresting work as a writer 引伸义:干了一件漂亮的事。 Hacker:也指恶作剧 Hacker differs from Cracker
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WHAT IS ASPEN? A computer program for steady-state process simulation (a.k. process Flowsheeting) Developed for the simulation of Chemical Petrochemical Processes Coal-based Processes Petroleum Refining Polymer Processes One of many commercially available flowsheeting programs such as PROII (Simulation Sciences) HYSIM (Hyprotech) ChemCad(Chemstation)
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3.1 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Definition- The discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) X(eio) of a sequence x[n] is given by jae In general,() is a complex function of the real variable and can be written as X(eio) Xre(eio) +j Xim(eio)
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第六节含参变量的积分 4-6-2广义含参积分 第十六讲广义含参变量积分 课后作业: 阅读:第四章第六节:含参变量积分pp.13--141 预习:第五章第一节:曲线积分pp.142--151 作业 1.证明下列积分在参变量的指定区间上一致收敛 ()xe-dx(as≤b)
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Let be the set of all input variables, X={, X1, .Xn} Let y be the set of all output variables, y={Y, 1 ...m} o The combinational function, F, operated on the input variable set, to produce the output variable set y. o The output is related to the input as
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Unit 12 Claim and Settlement Points for attention: When making a claim, plan your letter as follows: Begin by regretting the need to complain Mention the date of the order, the date of delivery and the goods complained about
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Eco514 Game Theory Lecture 10: Extensive Games with (Almost)Perfect Information Marciano Siniscalchi October 19, 1999 Introduction Beginning with this lecture, we focus our attention on dynamic games. The majority of games of economic interest feature some dynamic component, and most often payoff uncertainty as well. The analysis of extensive games is challenging in several ways. At the most basic level describing the possible sequences of events (choices)which define a particular game form is not problematic per se; yet, different formal definitions have been proposed, each with its pros and cons
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