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Category of sample Blood, Urine, Stool, nasal washing, nasal swab, throat swab, saliva, sputum, rectal swab, vesicle fluid scraping or swab) tissue, brain biopsy, cerebrospinal fluid, et
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Medical Virology Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology Shanghai Second Medical University Shanghai, China. E.mail:(xkguoshsmu.edu.cn)
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Spirochetes Gram negative Long, thin, helical, motile axial filaments locomotion between peptidoglycan layer/outer membrane runs parallel
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Biological Features Structure and chemical composition Developmental cycle Staining properties Antigens Growth and metabolism Characteristics of host-parasite- relationship Classification
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Campylobacter Among the most widespread cause of infection in the world Cause both diarrheal and systemic diseases Campylobacter jejuni
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brucella The genus Brucella consists of six species four of which cause human brucellosis Afj 鲁菌病: Brucella melitensis羊布鲁菌, Brucella suis猪布鲁菌, Brucella abortus 牛布鲁菌, and brucella canis犬布鲁菌 Are all intracellular organisms .B neotomaeB ovis
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General introduction Gram-negative, obligate intracellular coccobacilli bacteria that infect mammals and arthropods Rickettsiae are transmitted in the arthropods, which serves as both vector and reservior Both dna and rna Is sensitive to antibiotic
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Biological Features Aerobic, Gram, noncapsulated, rods Gray-black colonies on tellurite亚碲酸盐 medium o Metachromatic granules Chinese-letter morphology in Gram stain
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Actinomyces Israelii Anaeslundii a Gram positive sulfur granule; Related to decay tooth and peridentitis
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Category Spore- forming: rod, Gram(+)--Clostridium Nonspore- forming: see next slides
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