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一、是非题 1、只要电路引入了正反馈,就一定会产生正弦波振荡。() 2、凡是振荡电路中的集成运放均工作在线性区。() 3、非正弦波振荡电路与正弦波振荡电路的振荡条件完全相同。()
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一、是非题 1、电路既放大电流又放大电压,才称其有放大作用;() 2、设置静态工作点的目的是为了使信号在整个周期内不发生线性失真。()
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1、已知某D/A转换器的最小电压为5mV最大满刻度电压为10V求该DA转换器数字量的位数 2、已知某D/A转换器输入10位二进制数最大满刻度电压为5V求最小分辨电压和分辨率
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1、写出题图9-1所示的逻辑图的逻辑表达式题图9-1 2、画出实现下列逻辑函数的逻辑图 (1)Y=AB+ AB+ AB (2)Y=AB+ BC (3)Y=ABC +A+B (4)Y=(A+B+CDE+F
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1、试用上升沿D触发器组成一个4位二进制异步加法计数器并画出波形图 2、试用上升沿D触发器组成一个4位二进制异步减法计数器并画出波形图
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1. fashion 2.bother 3. random 4. cuff 5. process 6. pretty 7. restaurant 8.prefer 9. expensive 10.Europe
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Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. (25 points) 1. The teacher explained the point a second time, but everyone understand A. not even then does B. even then not did C. not even then did d. not even then 2. All flights because of the storm, they decided to go to Beijing by train. A. having been canceled B had been canceled C having canceled D. were canceled
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I. Complete the sentences with the best choice. Write your right letter on the Answer Sheet:(10%) 1. The teacher demanded that each student ( to class before seven o'clock. A. came B. come. comes D. would come 2. Seldom ( any mistakes during my past five years of service here. A. would I make
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1.decade 2.currency 3.harbour 4.surplus 5.whether 6.boycott 7.internal 8.terraion 9. miraculous 10.emerge 11.concert 12.afford 13.appeal 14.rhythm 15.sight 16.genius 17.seasoned 18.scholar 19. tourist 20.access
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:63KB 文档页数:25
Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. (25points) 1. The teacher explained the point a second time, but _everyone understand A. not even then does. even then not did C. not even then did D. not even then
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