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Content Public goods Subscription Efficient provision of public goods Public choice EXternality What's externality? How to solute it? What's the efficient condition with externality
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Content Pure exchange system The existence of Walrasian equilibrium The first theorem of welfare economics The second theorem of welfare economics Exchange with production
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浙江工业大学:《微观经济学》课程教学资源(PPT课件)06 成本
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8.1. Independent Firms The downstream firm's problem is max(a-bxc-wT The upstream firm's problem is max(a-2b)3-cr The output is 8.2. Integrated Firm Suppose now that the two firms merge into one firm. This firms problem is max(a-by)y
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一、名词解释 垄断竞争市场产品差别主观需求曲线实际需求曲线过剩生产能力非价格竞 争寡头垄断纯粹寡头行业差别寡头行业折弯的需求行业
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Problem set 2 Micro Theory S. Wang Question 2. 1. You have just been asked to run a company that has two factories produc ing the same good and sells its output in a perfectly competitive market. The production
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1成本的概念 2短期总产量和短期总成本 3短期成本曲线 4长期成本曲线
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1.名词解释 7.不完全竞争 答案:或多或少具有垄断性质的市场结构 考察目的:基本知识
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