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September 8, 2000 1. Describe the difference between slip and separation on a fault. 2. What type of offset() can be interpreted from the map below? Give a detailed description of your logic on the back of the page
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1. Interpret the geologic history of the Grand Canyon using the diagram below. List the events in order from the oldest (at the bottom of the page) to the youngest(at the top of the page). For each event describe the principle or observation you used
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一、煤层厚度变化对煤矿生产的影响: 1.影响采掘部署 2.影响计划生产 3.掘进率增高 4.回采率降低
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工程地质野外试验( field test) 优点: 缺点: 1.可测定难以取样的岩土 体的性质 1.难以控制边界条件 2.影响范围大,因而更具2.费工费时,成本高 代表性。 3.所测参数和岩土工 3可连续进行,因而可得程性质之间关系建 到完整的地层剖 立在大量统计的经 4.快速、经济,能大大缩验关系之上。 短勘察周期
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