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一、概述 颜色:人对眼睛视网膜接受到的光信号作出反应,在大脑中产生的某种感觉。色素:食品中呈现各种颜色的物质。 色素分类: ①来源:天然色素和人工合成色素;动物色素(红血素、虾青素等)、植物色素(叶绿素、胡箩卜素、花青素等)、微生物色素(红曲色素); ②溶解性:脂溶性和水溶性;
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一、半导体三极管 二、放大电路的图解分析法 三、放大电路的小信号模型分析法 四、放大电路工作点稳定 五、共集电极和共基极电路 六、放大电路的频率响应 七、放大电路的瞬态响应
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2.1引言 2.2脉冲编码调制 2.3增量调制 2.4时分复用和多路数字电话系统
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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.003: Signals and Systems-Fall 2003 Thursday, November 13. 2003 Directions: The exam consists of 5 problems on pages 2 to 19 and additional work space on pages 20 and 21. Please make sure you have all the pages. Tables of Fourier series properties as well as CT Fourier transform and DT Fourier transform properties and pairs are supplied to you as a separate set of pages. Enter all your work and
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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.003: Signals and Systems -Fal 2003 Final Exam Tuesday, December 16, 2003 Directions: The exam consists of 7 problems on pages 2 to 33 and additional work space on pages 34 to 37. Please make sure you have all the pages. Tables of Fourier serie properties, CT and dT Fourier transform properties and pairs, Laplace transform
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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.003: Signals and Systems-Fall 2003 LIVE Tuesday, October 14, 2003 Directions: The exam consists of 5 problems on pages 2 to 19 and work space on pages 20 and
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:195.22KB 文档页数:22
Directions: The exam consists of 5 problems on pages 2 to 19 and work space on pages 20 and 21. Please make sure you have all the pages. Tables of Fourier series properties are supplied to you at the end of this booklet. Enter all your work and you answers directly in the spaces provided on the printed pages of this booklet
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MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.003: Signals and Systems--Fall 2003 PROBLEM SET 10 SOLUTIONS Home study exercise(E1)O&W 11.32
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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.003: Signals and Systems--Fall 2003 PROBLEM SET 9 SOLUTIONS Home Study 1 O&w 9.25(e) We assume that the system we are considering, H(s)takes the following form:
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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.003: Signals and Systems-Fall 2003 PROBLEM SET 6 SOLUTIONS Issued: October 21. 2003
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