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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)Mesh-Guided Optimized Retexturing for Image and Video
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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)Multi-view Video Summarization
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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)Image and Video Retexturing
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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)Fuzzy Quantization Based Bit Transform for Low Bit-Resolution Motion Estimation
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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)Efficient View Manipulation for Cuboid-Structured Images
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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)A Robust and Fast Non-local Algorithm for Image Denoising
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计算机科学与技术(参考文献)A Novel Constrained Texture Mapping Method Based on Harmonic Map
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计算机科学与技术教学资源(参考文献)A Convergent Restarted GMRES Method For Large Linear Systems
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计算机科学与技术教学资源(参考文献)Perturbation analysis for the generalized Cholesky factorization
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计算机科学与技术教学资源(参考文献)Inverse updating and downdating for weighted linear least squares using M-invariant reflections
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