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教学指导 滴定反应的条件与滴定方式 基准物质和标准溶液 标准溶液浓度的表示方法 滴定分析法计算
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5.1 分组交换技术与分组交换网 5.2 分组交换的基本原理 5.3 分组交换协议——X.25协议 5.4 分组交换机 5.5 分组交换网 5.6 帧中继
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(1) 信息、信息技术信号及其分类; (2) 通信、通信系统构成及各部分功能; (3) 信道分类及几种常用信道特征; (4) 无线传播特点与信道特征;
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1、掌握工业与民用建筑工程的分类、组成及构造; 2、熟悉道路、桥梁、涵洞工程的分类、组成及构造; 3、了解地下建筑工程的分类、组成及构造
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一、分析的目的 了解逻辑电路的功能 二、分析的步骤 数字电路: 分组合逻辑电路、 时序逻辑电路两大类 功能特点:任意时刻的输出信号只与此时刻的输入信号有关
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The reaction on the left end is not exact because 1. The order of interpolation is too low, a higher order of interpolation would give the right reaction 2. The distributed load attributed to node one does not ke it into the solution
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14.1基本原理 14.1.1(气泡间隔的)连续流动自动分析仪 以空气为间隔,试剂和样品在被隔开的小室中均匀 混合并达到稳态
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实验室本身就存在着某些危险因素。 ·在实验室中,经常使用各种药品和仪 器设备,以及水、电、煤气,还会经 常遇到高温、低温、高压、真空、高 电压、高频和带有辐射源的实验条件 和仪器
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Unit #10- Principle of minimum potential energy and Castigliano's First Theorem Principle of minimum potential energy The principle of virtual displacements applies regardless of the constitutive law. Restrict attention to elastic materials(possibly nonlinear). Start from the Pvd
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What new element is Castigliano s Theorem introducing? 1. None, it's just a particular case of the PMPE 2. It's a totally different principle that allows to obtain solutions of elasticity problems with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency in- cluding relativistic effects
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