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Question 1 Shown below are the structures of three amino acids
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MIT Biology Department 7.012: Introductory Biology -Fall 2004 Instructors: Professor Eric Lander, Professor Robert A Weinberg Dr Claudette Gardel BigIdear At the molecular level, biology is based on three- dimensional interactions of complementary molecular surfaces Other important concepts
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Please print out this problem set and record your answers on the printed copy. answers to this problem set are to be turned in at the box outside by 4: 10 wednesday
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Question 1 You have two pure-breeding colony of mice. Colony I mice have black fur and long tails, Colony II mice have golden fur and short tails You cross mice from each of these colonies
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Below is an electron micrograph of a single gene being transcribed. The DNA strand runs horizontally with RNa transcripts extending vertically outward Image removed due to copyright reasons a)Draw an arrow indicating the direction that the RNA polymerases are
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A female geneticist has difficulty characterizing flies by their eye color because she herself is red-green colorblind(an X-linked recessive phenotype). She has one sister(colorblind) and one brother(not colorblind)
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The hematopoietic system of mammals is a convenient model to use to study development and differentiation. The bone marrow transplantation experiment discussed in lecture indicates that stem cells are more than a figment of some biologist's fertile imagination
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The hematopoietic system of mammals is a convenient model to use to study development and differentiation. The bone marrow transplantation experiment discussed in lecture indicates that stem cells are more than a figment of some biologist,'s fertile
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Plasma membrane Mitochondrion Nucleus cytoplasm Endoplasmic Reticulum K Golai Apparatus Outside the Cell EUKARYOTIC CELL
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1.掌握逆境胁迫与抗逆性的基本概念。 2.弄清逆境对植物的危害和植物抗逆性的生理基础
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