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1. List Specifications 2. List Implementations (a). Class Templates (b). Contiguous (c). Simply Linked (d). Simply Linked with Position Pointer (e). Doubly Linked 3. Strings 4. Application: Text Editor 5. Linked Lists in Arrays 6. Application: Generating Permutations 7. Pointers and Pitfalls
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3.2栈的应用举例 3.2.5表达式求值 算符优先法: 4+2*3-10/5=4+6-10/5=10-10/5=10-2=8 操作数(operand):进OPND栈 操作符(operator):进OPTR栈 界限符(delimiter):
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6.3.1遍历二叉树 如果按某条搜索路径巡访树中每个结点,使得每个结点均被访问一次,而且仅被访问一次
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一个无环的有向图叫做有向无环图, 简称DAG图 判断有向图中是否存在环的方法
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非数值处理的对象基本上是字符串数据 串( string)(或称字符串) 由零个或多个字符组成的有限序列 记为:s=a1a2an’(n>=0) a;1(1<=i<=n)是字母,数字或其它字符 n称为串的长度,n=0的串称为空串( Null string) 子串一—串中任意个连续字符组成的子序列 包含子串的串叫主串
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4.1 Randomized algorithm 4.2 Quicksort and randomized quicksort 4.3 Expected running time of quicksort 4.4 Max-heaps and min-heaps 4.5 Heap operations: heapify, building, and key increasing 4.6 heap sort and priority queues 4.7 Comparisons of sort algorithms: heap sort, quick sort, insertion sort, and merge sort 4.8 Comparison sort and decision tree model 4.9 Sorting in linear time: counting-sort, radix sort, and bucket sort
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10.1 Graph representations 10.2 Breadth-first and depth-first search algorithms 10.3 Topological sort 10.4 Disjoint sets and strategy of union by rank and path compression 10.5 Minimum spanning tree 10.6 Prim's and Kruskal's algorithm 10.7 Single-source shortest-paths algorithms: breadth-first search, Dag shortest paths, Dijkstra algorithm, and Bellman-Ford algorithm 10.8 All-pairs shortest-paths algorithms: brute-force, dynamic programming, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, and Johnson algorithm 10.9 Ford-Fulkerson max-flow algorithm and Edmonds-Karp algorithm
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3.1 栈 3.1.1 栈的定义 3.1.2 栈的顺序存储结构及其基本运算实现 3.1.3 栈的链式存储结构及其基本运算的实现 3.2 队列 3.2.1 队列的定义 3.2.2 队列的顺序存储结构及其基本运算的实现 3.2.3 队列的链式存储结构及其基本运算的实现
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7.1 图的基本概念 7.2 图的存储结构 7.3 图的遍历 7.4 生成树
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8.1 查找的基本概念 8.2 线性表的查找 8.3 树表的查找 8.4 哈希表查找
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