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一个复杂系统可能有多个输入和多个输出,并且以某种方式相互关联或耦合。为了分 析这样的系统,必须简化其数学表达式,转而借助于计算机来进行各种大量而乏味的分析 与计算。从这个观点来看,状态空间法对于系统分析是最适宜的。 经典控制理论是建立在系统的输入输出关系或传递函数的基础之上的,而现代控制理 论以n个一阶微方程来描述系统,这些微分方程又组合成一个一阶向量矩阵微分方程。应 用向量矩阵表示方法,可极大地简化系统的数学表达式
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能控性(controllability)和能观测性(observability)深刻地揭示了系统的内部结构关系,由 .e.Kalman于60年代初首先提出并研究的这两个重要概念,在现代控制理论的研究与实 践中,具有极其重要的意义,事实上,能控性与能观测性通常决定了最优控制问题解的存 在性。例如,在极点配置问题中,状态反馈的的存在性将由系统的能控性决定;在观测器 设计和最优估计中,将涉及到系统的能观测性条件
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第三章线性多变量系统的能控性与能观测性分析 能控性(controllability)和能观测性(observability)深刻地揭示了系统的内部结构关系,由 .e.Kalman于60年代初首先提出并研究的这两个重要概念,在现代控制理论的研究与实 践中,具有极其重要的意义,事实上,能控性与能观测性通常决定了最优控制问题解的存 在性。例如,在极点配置问题中,状态反馈的的存在性将由系统的能控性决定;在观测器 设计和最优估计中,将涉及到系统的能观测性条件
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1 5.1 H2 PID Controllers for the First-Order Plant 2 5.2 Quantitative Tuning of H2 PID Controllers 3 5.3 H2 PID Controllers for the Second-Order Plant 4 5.4 Control of Inverse Response Processes 5 5.5 PID Controllers Based on the Maclaurin Series Expansion 6 5.6 PID Controllers with the Best Achievable Performance 7 5.7 Choice of the Filter
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1 8.1 Controller Parameterization for General Plants 2 8.2 H∞ PID Controllers for Unstable Plants 3 8.3 H2 PID Controllers for Unstable Plants 4 8.4 Performance Limitation and Robustness 5 8.5 Maclaurin PID Controllers for Unstable Plants 6 8.6 PID Design for the Best Achievable Performance 7 8.6 All Stabilizing PID Controllers for Unstable Plants
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1 7.1 The Feature of Integrating Systems 2 7.2 H∞ PID Controllers for Integrating Plants 3 7.3 H2 PID Controllers for Integrating Plants 4 7.4 Controller Design for General Integrating Plants 5 7.5 Maclaurin PID Controllers for Integrating Plants 6 7.6 Best Achievable Performance of a PID Controllers
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1 6.1 The Quasi-H∞ Smith Predictor 2 6.2 The H2 Optimal Controller and the Smith Predictor 3 6.3 Equivalents of the Optimal Controller 4 6.4 The PID Controller and High-Order Controllers 5 6.5 Choice of Weighting Functions 6 6.6 Simplified Tuning for Quantitative Robustness
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1 4.1 Traditional Design Methods 2 4.2 H∞ PID Controllers for the First-Order Plant 3 4.3 H∞ PID controller and the Smith Predictor 4 4.4 Quantitative Performance and Robustness 5 4.5 H∞ PID Controllers for the Second-Order Plant 6 4.6 All Stabilizing PID Controllers for Stable Plants
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1 2.1 Process Dynamic Responses 2 2.2 Rational Approximations for Time Delay 3 2.3 Time Domain Performance Indices 4 2.4 Frequency Response Analysis 5 2.5 Transformation of Two Commonly Used Models 6 2.6 Design Requirements and Method Comparison
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1 3.1 Norms and System Gains 2 3.2 Internal Stability and Performance 3 3.3 Controller Parameterization 4 3.4 Robust Stability and Robust Performance 5 3.5 Robustness of Systems with Time Delays
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