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5-1机械速度波动的调节 5-2机械的平衡
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7-1总论 7-2螺纹联接 7-3键联接
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9-1齿轮机构的应用及分类 9-2齿廓啮合基本定律 9-3渐开线及渐开线齿轮 9-4渐开线标准齿轮的基本尺寸 9-5直齿轮的啮合传动
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1. be able to design a basic experiment in the field of Human-Computer Interaction, where both technological and psychological variables are Lecturer: included,which entails that they shall be able to identify different orientatior thin psychology BoSchenkman be able to apply parts of experimental psychology to Humar Computer Interaction
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Package design has great significance for the success of foodstuffs nowadays. Packages are clearly an integral part of the manufacturing and distribution processes. As clothes speak for their wearers, so too packages speak for the packed food product. Packages are developed not only to make weekdays easier for the consumer, but also to make times of celebration more festive. Many food products would not be in shops and on dining tables, if they had not been packed. Nowadays packages face difficult challenges and roles. They have to create the ambience that hitherto was forged by personal service. Packages replace the salesman
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or Circuit analysis and Design gregory rollins uction. DC(Steady-State) Analysis. AC Analysis. Transient Process and device simulation Process simulation associates. Inc. Peter Bendix 13.2 Parameter Extraction for Analog Circuit Simulation Introduction. MOS DC Models. BSIM Extraction Strategy in LSI Logic Corp
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The design process for fuzzy controllers that is based on the use of heuristic information from human experts has found success in many industrial applications. Moreover, the approach to constructing fuzzy controllers via numerical input-output data is increasingly finding use
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先导化合物的发现 (Discovery of Lead compound) 新药开发的基本途径与方法 之 药物分子设计(Mo1ecu1a《drug design)是指通过科学的构思和理 性的策略,构建具有预期药理活性 的新化学实体(new《chemica1 entities)的分子操作
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Unfortunately, everyone had forgotten why the branch came off the top of the main and nobody realized that this was important
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21.1 MATLAB Environment 21.2 Example 1: Signal Analysis Delores M. Etter 21.3 Example 2: Filter Design and Analysis
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