Meat is chilled immediately after slaughter. Most of the subsequent opera- tions in the cold chain are designed to maintain the temperature of the meat Cooking is a very common operation in the production of many meat products and operators appreciate the importance of rapidly cooling the cooked product. However, any handling such as cutting, mixing or tumbling will add heat to the meat and increase its temperature. A secondary cooling
● Title Title通常为名词性词组、短语。一般可分为以下几类: 一,以研究内容命名 SYSTHESIS OF 2-0-PROTECTED GLYCEROL DERIVATIVES Ring-Opening Polymerization of Cyclic Carbonates by Alcohol-Acid Catalyst 二以研究对象命名 A New, Crystalline High Melting Bis(hydroxymethyl)polycarbonate and Its Acetone Ketal for Biomaterial Applications Microdomain structure in polylactide-block-poly(ethylene oxide) copolymer films 三以研究内容、研究对象综合命名 Poly(ethylene carbonate)s, part I: Syntheses and structural effects in biodegradation Hydrolytic degradation of tyrosine-derived polycarbonates, a class of new biomaterials. Part I: Study of model compounds
Thermophysical properties of meat In chilling, freezing, thawing and tempering processes heat has either to be introduced or to be extracted from the meat to change its temperature The rate at which heat can be removed or introduced into the surface of meat is essentially a function of the process being used, for example air blast, plate, immersion, and so on. However, the rate at which heat can flow from within the meat to its surface is a function of the thermophysical prop- erties of the meat. If we continue to
Theoretically, there are clear differences between the environmental con- ditions required for cooling, which is a heat removal/'temperature reduction process, and those required for storage where the aim is to maintain a set product temperature. However, in many air-based systems, cooling and storage take place in the same chamber and even where two separate facil- ities are used, in many cases not all the required heat is removed in the
Developments in frozen transport in the 19th century established the inter- national food market. In 1877, a cargo of frozen meat was sent from Buenos Aires to France. The following year 5000 frozen mutton carcasses were transported from Paraguay to France. In 1880, the SS Strathleven arrived in London with a cargo of 40 tons of frozen Australian beef, and by 1910
Besides the main terms we have discussed from lesson 1 to there are some other terms will be negotiated One is usually the inspection clause and the other is arbitration, esp. on purpose of handling with a claim