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he major classes of organic compounds common to living systems are lipids, pro- teins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are very familiar to us- we call many of them\sugars.\ They make up a substantial portion of the food we eat and provide most of the energy that keeps the human engine running. Carbohy- drates are structural components of the walls of plant cells and the wood of trees. Genetic
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henols are compounds that have a hydroxyl group bonded directly to benzene or benzenoid ring. The parent compound of this group, C6H,OH, called simply phe- nol, is an important industrial chemical. Many of the properties of phenols are anal- ogous to those of alcohols, but this similarity is something of an oversimplification.Like arylamine
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he value of alkyl halides as starting materials for the preparation of variety of organic functional groups has been stressed many times. In our earlier discussions, we noted that aryl halides are normally much less reactive than alkyl halides in reactions that involve carbon-halogen bond cleavage. In the present chapter you will see that aryl halides can exhibit their own patterns of chemical reactivity, and that these reac
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ou have already had considerable experience with carbanionic compounds and rgani their applications in synthetic organic chemistry. The first was acetylide ion in Chapter 9, followed in Chapter 14 by organometallic compounds-Grignard reagents, for example-that act as sources of negatively polarized carbon. In Chapter 18 you learned that enolate ions-reactive
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1.理解醛酮的定义和分类 2.掌握醛酮的命名方法 3.了解醛酮的物理性质 4.掌握醛和酮的相似反应及不同的反应
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从结构上看,羧酸可以看成是羧基(-COOH)取代 烃分子中的氢原子后而生成的化合物。取代羧酸可以看成 羧酸分子中烃基上的氢原子被其他原子或原子团取代后生 成的化合物
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羧酸分子中的-OH被取代后的产物叫做羧酸衍生物。常见有4种 类型: 酰卤、酸酐、酯、酰胺。高级脂肪酸和甘油形成的天然酯 类化合物,与人类的生命过程有着重要的联系,常被称做脂类
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第一节 平面偏振光及比旋光度 第二节 分子的对称性和手性 第三节 含一个手性碳的化合物 第四节 含两个手性碳的化合物 第五节 外消旋体的拆分 第八节 不对称合成 第六节 取代环烷烃的立体异构 第七节 不含手性碳原子的手性分子
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1.了解对映异构现象及对映体的概念 2. 掌握手性、手性碳、手性分子以及分子结构和手性的关系 3. 理解旋光性、旋光度、左旋体、右旋体和比旋光度的概念 4. 了解偏振光的概念和旋光仪的结构
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第一节 羧酸的分类和命名 第二节 羧酸的物理性质 第三节 羧酸的光谱特征 第四节 羧酸的结构和酸性 第五节 羧酸的制备 第六节 羧酸的反应 第七节 卤代酸的合成和反应 第八节 羟基酸的合成和反应
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