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物体的坐标和速度、“同一地点”是相对的 时间、长度、质量“同时性”和力学定律的形式是绝对的
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Chapter 9 Momentum and The Conservation of Momentum 1. Linear Impulse and Momentum 2. Impulse-Momentum Theorem and Conservation of Momentum
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Chapter 25 Magnetism 1. Magnet and Magnetic Field 2. Definition of Magnetic Field 3. Force on an Electric Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field 4. Torque on a Current Loop
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复旦大学:《大学物理》课程教学资源(电子教案)第四讲 牛顿三定律,惯性,质量,解决问题基本步骤(侯晓远)
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Chapter 13 &14 Wave Motion and Sound 1. Simple Harmonic Waves 2. Wave Equation 3. Energy and Power of Waves Interference of Waves Standing Waves 1. The Doppler Effect
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The speed of sound Sound waves are longitudinal mechanical waves that can travel through solids, liquids, or gases. The speed of a sound wave in medium(having bulk modulus(容变弹性模量)and density p) is:
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Chapter 27 Electromagnetic Induction and Faraday's Law 1. The Law of Electromagnetic Induction (电磁感应定律) 2. Motional Induced EMF (动生和感生电动势)
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Chapter 33 Early Quantum Theory and Models of the Atom 1. Planck's Quantum Hypothesis 2. The Photoelectric Effect 3. Compton Effect 4. Wave Nature of Matter
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西华大学交通与汽车工程学院:《汽车理论》第三章 汽车动力装置参数的选定
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Chapter 29 Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves 1. Displacement Current Ampere-Max' Law 2. Maxwell's Equation 3. Electromagnetic Waves
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