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Chapter IIi Sound Forms- Morphology Language and Form 1 Form of sounds 2 Form patterns
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Social Expressions with something to imply (I) 1. Gender a. Way of talking: tone, register, tenderness, color preference and language, topics of conversation, cursing words
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The Definitions of Pragmatics speaker listener context social interaction functions of language
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一、填空题(每空 1 分,共 8 分) 1.应用文有实用性、 真实性 、规范性、语言简洁、准确、得体及 时效性 等几个主要特性;
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Meaning: What is it? Different Theories of Meaning Naming: Labels of things 2. Semantic Triangle: non direct association 3. Conceptualistic view: meaning in use 4. Behaviorists' view: stimulus and response
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ChapterⅣ Syntax Syntax and grammar Syntax: A Definition Syntax and chomsky
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《汉语与认知》课程教学资源(认知语言学专著)莱考夫《女人、火和危险的事物》George Lakoff Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things
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《语言与文化》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)Language & Culture
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Language Definition of human language ----A system of vocal symbols used human communication
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《现代汉语》课程教学资源(教案讲义)第六章 修辞 第四节 语音方面的修辞——语言的声音美
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