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一、解释HTML控件 二、研究各种验证控件 三、解释代码隐藏 四、实现代码隐藏
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一、Web应用程序概念 二、基于服务器的脚本 三、客户端脚本 四、Web窗体
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一、用户控件 二、自定义控件 属性 事件
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2.1网络管理系统软件 2.2流量监测和统计系统 2.3网络计费系统 2.4基于Web的网络管理 2.5 Windows2000 Server网络管理工具
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Introduction Continues the discussion of middleware (i.e., tools and libraries programmers used to construct client-server software) Y Introduces the remote procedure call (RPC) concept, and describes a particular implementation of an rpc that uses XDr standard for data representation
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Chapter 6: Web and RPC Based P. Application Development Chapter goal Www and Http Www and hTMl Web Programming RPC and Middleware World wide web Use of Client-Server Paradigm
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Introduction Single thread for multiple transport protocols Motivation Server design and process structure An iterative example Concurrent multiprotocol servers
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How applications become clients by initiating communication How applications use TCP or UDP protocols to contact a server How they use socket calls to interact with the protocols CSIE, NTUT, Taiwan
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Course Description Text (required) TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 2nd edition, Behrouz A. Forouzan. Mc Graw-Hill 2003. · Supplementary Texts Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 3: Client-Server Programming and Application, Linux-POSIX Sockets Version
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Chapter 4: Server Software Design Chapter goal: algorithm and issues terative servers Concurrent connection-oriented servers Singly-threaded,concurrent servers Multiprotocol servers Multiservice servers Uniform efficient management
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