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A practical \blue-collar science initially concerned with economics industry, real life problems DYNAMICS--Concerned with the concepts of energy transfers between a system and its environment and the resulting
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Chap. 14: Energy in Thermal Processes Solids, liquids or gases have internal energy t Kinetic energy from random motion of molecules translation rotation vibration
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Temperature: measure of the motion of the individual atoms and molecules in a gas liquid or solid related to average kinetic energy of constituents High temperature: constituents are moving around energetically
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泡利(W. Pauli,1900─1958) 瑞士籍奥地利物理学家. 1925年提出“泡利不相容”原理, 并因此在1945年获诺贝尔物理学 奖. 泡利在量子力学、量子场论 和基本粒子理论方面,对理论物 理学的发展作出了重要贡献.
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普朗克(1858─1947) 德国理论物理学家,量子论的 奠基人. 1900年他在德国物理学 会上,宣读了以《关于正常光谱 中能量分布定律的理论》为题的论文. 劳厄称这一 天是“量子论的 诞生日”.量子论 和相对论构成了近代物理学的研究基础
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Today' s topics Fluids in motion Bernouilli’ s equation Viscous fluids Simple oscillations
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Announcements Homework 8: due Friday Nov. 11@ 6: 00 PM ←Chap.7:#7,22,28,33,35,44,45,50,54,61,and65
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机械波 mechanical wave 机械振动 mechanical vibration 简谐运动 simple harmonic 弹簧振子 spring oscillator 振幅 amplitude
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功 work 功率 power 保守力 conservation force 非保守力 nonconservative force 动能 kinetic energy
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外界 surroundings 系统 system 温度 temperature 压强 pressure 物态参量 state parameter
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