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一、词法分析与词法分析程序 1.词法分析的任务是识别源程序中具有独立含义的最小语法单位-符号或单词,如 标识符,无正负号常数与界限符等。并把源程序转换为等价的内部表示形式 2.功能: 读入源程序字符串;识别单词(符号); 转换成属性字; 一些其他的简单工作:删除注解,预加工处理
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引言 高级计算机语言: 易阅读但是不能直接执行。所以需要一个将高级语言程序翻译成为机器语言代码的自动工具
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1. 了解光的相干性,掌握双缝干涉、洛埃镜实验和薄膜干涉现象的产生条件和计算方法。 2. 理解惠更斯-菲涅耳原理,掌握单缝衍射、光栅衍射和X射线衍射现象产生的条件和计算方法。 3. 了解光的偏振和物质的旋光现象,掌握马吕斯定律的应用和物质旋光度的测量方法。 第一节 光的干涉 第二节 光的衍射 第三节 光的偏振
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A bottom-up parser uses an explicit stack to perform a parse – The parsing stack contains tokens, nonterminals as well as some extra state information – The stack is empty at the beginning of a bottom-up parse, and will contain the start symbol at the end of a successful parse
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Symbol table: major inherited attribute and major data structure in a compiler Principal operations: – Insert: store the information provided by name declarations when processing these declarations – Lookup: retrieve the information associated to a name when that name is used in the associated code
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The idea of Recursive-Descent Parsing Viewing the grammar rule for a non-terminal A as a definition for a procedure to recognize an A The right-hand side of the grammar for A specifies the structure of the code for this procedure The Expression Grammar:
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一、单级萃取的流程与计算 二、多级错流接触萃取的流程与计算 三、多级逆流萃取的流程与计算 四、连续逆流萃取的流程与计算
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一、目的与要求 1. 熟悉经纬仪竖盘部分的构造;并掌握确定竖直角计算公式的方法; 2. 掌握三角高程观测的原理、步骤、记录和计算方法;
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Main idea LL(1) Parsing uses an explicit stack rather than recursive calls to perform a parse An example: – a simple grammar for the strings of balanced parentheses: S→(S) S∣ε The following table shows the actions of a top￾down parser given this grammar and the string ( )
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SLR(1), called simple LR(1) parsing, uses the DFA of sets of LR(0) items as constructed in the previous section SLR(1) increases the power of LR(0) parsing significant by using the next token in the input string – First, it consults the input token before a shift to make sure that an appropriate DFA transition exists
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