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(a)Find V, in Fig. 8-20.(b)To what identical value should each of the 4Q2 resistors be changed so that V2 is 180 out of phase with the source voltage?
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1 If the voltage across a 5F capacitor is 2te -V, find the current and the power 2 In 5s, the voltage across a 40mF capacitor changes from 160v to 220V. Calculating the average current through the capacitor
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Find the four Y parameters of the network shown in Fig
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sequence. The balanced source supplies IMW and 0.2M VAR. If R, =12, find: (a) the line current;(b)Zp; ()the transmission efficiency
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1 Find F(s) if f(t) = (a)(t-3);(b)4t u(t-3); (c)4 cos to(t-3). 2 Obtain partial-fraction expansions for each of the following rational functions, and find the corresponding time functions:
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1 Find the matrix equation in the circuit of Fig. 16-12 by nodal analysis method. Assume that each branch admittance of the circuit is 1S
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1 For the circuit given in Fig. 18-14, the R C2, fc are given find the switched capacitor equivalent
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In this chapter we shall show how the phasor methods developed to analyze circuits operating under sinusoidal steady- state conditions can be applied to the study of three-phase ac circuits
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Tellegen's theorem 1: Consider a lumped network n consisting of N+1 nodes and B branches, let=[ b2DbB,i=. Where
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