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Objectives Focus Warming up 6.1 Exchanging information 6.2 Making enquiries 6.3 Answering enquiries 6.4 Placing and filling orders Sum-up Assignment
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Objectives Focus Warming up 4.1 Summarizing a conversation 4.2 Using notes to write a report 4.3 Planning and editing a report Sum-up Assignment
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Objectives Focus Warming up 2.1 Communicating in writing 2.2 Names and addresses 2.3 Layout and style 2.4 Thinking about your reader 2.5 Sending messages Sum-up Assignment
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what's your 1. Taking part in a meeting opinion? a. Find out what the other people think: What are Mr. Brown, your what do views on
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In this part, you'll Learn about the“4Ps”and“4Cs”of marketing. Look at some familiar products and how they are marketed Promote a product with what you learned about marketing
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Be aware of what is selling and buying Be aware of the sales process Know how to negotiate on the phone Know how to negotiate an international deal
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Objectives When the learners finish learning this unit, they should be able to: ask for and give information make and answer enquiries make and accept offers place, acknowledge and fill orders
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Objectives When finishing learning this unit, you should be able to: Deal with some kinds of problems encountered in business. Complain and apologize by letter, fax or e--mail
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Objectives This unit deals with communication skills in business world, including skills of greeting, asking questions, and skills about how to build up good relationship
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objectives This unit deals with how to take notes in business contexts, how to summarize conversations and how to plan and write reports. It's a unit which can be used either as an introduction for students with little experience in report- and summary writing
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