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1.包子鞋的基本结构与设计方法 2.重点掌握包底围条样板的设计与处理方法 3.重点掌握围条围盖间起梗起皱的设计与处理方法
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1. 中开缝式皮鞋设计方法与定位规律 2. 重点掌握中开缝皮鞋的曲跷处理
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一、款式分析 二、楦体选择与分析(贴楦) 三、定位、划样 四、制取种子样板 五、制取标准样板 六、制取折边样板 七、制取下料样板
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The first three types of control devices we consider--gravity settlers, cyclone separators, and electrostatic precipitators--all function by driving the particles to a solid wall, where they adhere to each other to form agglomerates that can be removed from the collection device and disposed of. Although these devices look different from one another, they all use the same general idea and are described by the same general design equations
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Outline Launch systems characteristics Launch systems selection process Spacecraft design envelope & environments
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Why Cost Estimation? Critically important part of system design Too high – lose the contract award Too low – over-run cost plus contracts, company loss on fixed price contracts
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Overview Ground Systems Support the space segment Command and Control Monitor spacecraft health Track Calculate spacecraft attitude
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1、了解试验设计的概念及其作用 2、掌握单因素试验设计常用的几种方法 3、了解正交试验法的概念和基本方法;
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Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Engineering Systems Co-Director, Leaders For Manufacturing and System Design and Management Programs
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The theoretical concepts underlying filtration can be applied towards practical solutions in the field. Comprehension of the basic principles is necessary to select the proper equipment for an application. Theory alone, however, can never be the basis for selection of a filter. Filtration belongs to the physical sciences, and thus conclusions must be based on experimental assay. It is, however, helpful in understanding why a slurry is more suitable for one design of filtration equipment than another
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