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9. Aldehydes and Ketones Nucleophilic Addition Reactions
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What is an alkyl halide An organic compound containing at least one carbon-halogen bond (C-X) X(F, Cl, Br, Replaces h Can contain many C-X bonds
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5. Aromatic Compounds p: 153 Aromatic was used to described some fragrant compounds in early 19th century Not correct: later they are grouped by chemical behavior(unsaturated compounds that undergo substitution rather than addition Current: distinguished from aliphatic compounds by electronic configuration
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p.91 3.1 Naming alkenes 1. Name the parent hydrocarbon, find the longest carbon chain that contains the double bond.命名母体
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The analysis of the outcome of a reaction requires that we know the full structure of the products as well as the reactants In the 1 gth and early 20th centuries, structures
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11. Carbonyl Alpha Substitution reactions and condensations
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ORGANIC CHEMISTRY The first question we need to ask ourselves s What is“ Organic Chemistry\?
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1.识记:呼吸作用的定义:呼吸作用的类型:呼吸速率、呼吸底物和呼吸商的概念:进行呼吸的细胞器一一线粒体;有氧呼吸的含义;氧化磷酸化、呼吸链的概念 2.领会:有氧呼吸的重要生理意义;有氧呼吸与无氧呼吸的区别与联系;进行有氧呼吸的重要步骤;呼吸作用与内外条件的关系:呼吸作用是各种有机物代谢的枢纽
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第九章膜分离法 (Membrane Seprartion 一、概述 定义——在一定压力条件下,溶液中各组成选择性透过一半透性薄膜而达到分离纯化的过程。 ·发展史(1748年发现;1850年天然膜应用;1864年第一张人工无机膜—亚铁氰化铜诞生;1930有机膜出现)。 ·特点—均相分离、无相变;无需加入化学物质;浓缩与纯化同时进行
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第七章吸附分离法 一、概述 定义:利用固体特有的吸附特性,从 液体中吸附目标物,再用适当的洗脱剂将 其解吸达到分离纯化的过程。 特点:浓缩倍数高;有机溶剂用量少 ;pH变化小;操作简便、安全、设备简单 等。 应用:广泛应用于生物、制药、食品 、化工、环保及电子等
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