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Complete the block diagrams for the following features. Be sure to include the appropriate map symbols on your drawings
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September 8, 2000 1. Describe the difference between slip and separation on a fault. 2. What type of offset() can be interpreted from the map below? Give a detailed description of your logic on the back of the page
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September 1, 2000 1. The following map shows the principal azimuths for fractures measured on the Brokenback feature in Wyoming. Interpret the fracture pattern using your knowledge of joints and joint systems Prepare a written (1 paragraph)analysis
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1. Interpret the geologic history of the grand Canyon using the diagram below. List the events in order from the oldest(at the bottom of the page) to the youngest( the top of the page). For each event describe the principle or observation you used
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第四章地貌( geomorphology) 1、地形:指地表形态的外部特征. 2、地貌:地形+成因 内力地质作用形成地貌基本形态 外力地质作用进行改造
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第二节干酪根热降解成油机理 一、烃的演化 1.氯仿沥青“A”和总烃的演化
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一、构造运动的概念及类型 二、岩石的变形和变位 三、构造运动的表现
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一、名词解释(20 分,每小题 2 分) 1. 递进变形;2. 枢纽;3. 张节理;4. 地垒与地堑;5. 水平断距;
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