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商标 Afterburner. AppletAce. Attain Attain Enterprise Learning System Attain Essentials. Attain Objects for Dreamweaver Authorware, Authorware Attain. Authorware Interactive Studio Authorware Star, Authorware Synergy. Backstage. Backstage Designer, Backstage Desktop Studio. Backstage Enterprise Studio. Backstage Internet Studio. Design in Motion, Director Director multimedia Studio, Doc Around the Clock, Dreamwea Dreamweaver Attain, Drumbeat, Drumbeat 2000 Extreme3D、 Fireworks、Fash、 Fontographer、 FreeHand. FreeHand Graphics Studio、 Generator、 Generator Developer's
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1)s平面上围线映射; 2)Nyquist稳定性判据 ; 3)相对稳定性和Nyquist稳定性判据 ; 4)在频域中规定的时域性能判据; 5)系统带宽; 6)时延系统的稳定性; 7)频域中的PID控制器; 8) Matlab仿真
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1.(20分) t=0时,描写氢原子中的电子的波函数为 R3Yi R2(+o) L3 其中R为径向波函数,为球谐函数.求 (a)该电子的能量E,角动量平方2,角动量分量L2和自旋z分量s2的可 能值及相应几率
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复旦大学99年微生物学试题 1.名词解释(30分) ( 1) Koch's postulates ( 2) negative stains ( 3) RC(respiratory chain) ( 4) stationary phase ( 5) semi-synthetic antibiotics ( 6) cxtrcmophiles( extremc-microorganisms) ( 7) heteroiactic fermeniation ( 8)biomass ( 9)McAb(monoclonal antibody)
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第八章碳杂重键的亲核加成 一、包括C=O、C=N、C≡N的碳杂重键化合物是极为重要的一大类有机化合物,亲核加成是碳杂重键的主要反应,也是重要的有机反应,其中尤以C=键的亲核加成最为重要。 二、亲核试剂主要有:(1)亲核中心为N、O、S、等的杂原子亲核试剂;(2)负碳亲核试剂;(3)H亲核试剂
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Ⅱ. Listening skills W: How much money is the rent for an apartment in this neighborhood M: Your rent should be about a quarter of that Q How much should be the woman's rent be? 2. M: I paid $3, 500 for this digital camera. It was on sale at a 30$ discount w: Its a real bargain
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Uint I. Basic listening practice 1. Script M: Now we have satellite and high-powered microscope, it s easy to think we know everything about the world; but we still dont understand EI Nino W: Right. Scientists all over the world over are even uncertain about the cause of the warm Pacific current that brings storms or drought-the mysterious EI Nino
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Basic listening Practice 1. Script W: Let me recommend my brother to you. He's really done well in the stock market over the last M: The real question is this: How have you dine by taking his advice Q: What does the man mean?
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一、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1.不包含任何字符(长度为0)的串称为空串由一个或多个空格(仅由空格符)组成的串称为空白串。 2.设S=“A;document/mary.doc,则 strlen)=20的字符定位的位置为3
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1.18℃时在厚度为1cm的惰性多孔平板两边,放置扩散系数为 119×10-9m2.s-1的NaCl稀水溶液,一边浓度为04 mol- dm-3,另一边 为02mol·dm-3。由于溶液量大,且一直在搅拌,浓度不变,扩散呈恒 稳状态。试求溶质Nal的物质通量,并写出NaCl的浓度在板内分布 的式子
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