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6.5 数据库的物理设计 6.5.1 数据库的物理设计的内容和方法 6.5.2 关系模式存取方法选择 6.5.3 确定数据库的存储结构 6.5.4 评价物理结构 6.6 数据库的实施 6.7 数据库运行与维护 6.8 小结
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8.1 并发控制概述 8.2 封锁 8.3 封锁协议 8.4 活锁和死锁 8.5 并发调度的可串行性 8.6 两段锁协议 8.7 封锁的粒度 8.8 Oracle的并发控制 8.9 小结
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Tab. 6-1 The efficiency evaluation index system of the rural specialized cooperative economy organization
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Standard Orthogonal Arrays Maximum Maximum Number of Colum Orthogonal Number of Number of
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Term Project Final presentation Isual aids available on-campus Computer projection Document camera
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Objectives Review the format and expectations for the final exam Review material needed to succeed on the final exam Set the material from the course in the context of the product realization process Answer questions
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Final exam Very good performance overall Essays were particularly good ·Mean-88.5%0 Standard deviation -5.7%
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Electrical Power System EPS Power Energy Power Power Regulation Source Storage Distribution and Control
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he variable t is usually referred to as the\time Note the use of an integral form in the formal definition(2.2): it assumes that the function tHa(a(t), t)is integrable on T, but does not require =a(t)to be differentiable at any particular point, which turns out to be convenient for working with discontinuous
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第一章农田水分状况和土壤水分运动 1、农田水分状况(重点) 2、土壤水分运动(非重点) 3、土壤一作物一大气连续体(Soil-Plant--Air continue system)水分运动(了解)
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