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一、了解一个典型机电一体化产品的设计思想,形成对机电一体化设计的基本认识。 二、培养机电产品分析的初步能力
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一、在我们获取测量结果之后,为了观察方便,需要显示装置把它显示出来。 二、现实中常用的显示装置有指针式以及数字式显示。数字式显示有起特有的优点,显示精度高、惯性小。常用的数字显示方式有:数码管、液晶等。 三、数字信号只有2个状态(0与1),为了表达更多的数字,需要对其进行编码,常用的有8421码、余3码等
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一、现实生活中,我们经常需要获取物体运动的速度,比如:汽车是否超速?摩托车的速度表,控制系统中电机的转速等等。 二、实际测量中线位移的测量比较麻烦(测量装置尺寸很大),一般转换为角位移的测量。同样,线速度的测量一般转换为角速度的测量。这种转换很容易,比如使用一个从动轮即可。 三、思考:如何获得机器人当前运行的速度 Industry Training Center
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General Description hese devices need only one external com ation capacitor at the output. Tthe LM? aged in the to-220 power package and is capable applications requiring other voltages, see LM137 data 4 supplying 1.5A of output current These regulators employ internal current limiting safe area Features a Thermal, short circuit and sa tually all overload conditions
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TWO-Terminal Ic DEVICES Temperature Transducer AD590 FEATURES PIN DESIGNATIONS Linear Current Output: 1 HA/K Wide Range:-55C to+150C Probe Compatible Ceramic Sensor Package
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General Description de range of applica is local on card bypassing is needed only if the regulator is located far from 9 gulation, eliminating the distribution problems associated the filter capacitor of the power supply
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These circuits consist of four independent, high TSSOP14 (Thin Shrink Small Outline e Package) gain, intemally frequency compensated operation al amplifiers. They operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. Operation
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1.BASE Power dissipation 2. COLLECTOR pcm:1.5w(tamb=25℃)
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