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Ch. 12 Stochastic Process 1 Introduction a particularly important aspect of real observable phenomena, which the random variables concept cannot accommodate, is their time dimension; the concept of random variable is essential static. A number of economic phenomena for which we need to formulate probability models come in the form of dynamic processes
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Ch. 16 Stochastic Model Building Unlike linear regression model which usually has an economic theoretic model built somewhere in economic literature, the time series analysis of a stochastic process needs the ability to relating a stationary ARMA model to real data. It is usually best achieved by a three-stage
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Ch. 18 Vector Time series 1 Introduction In dealing with economic variables often the value of one variables is not only related to its predecessors in time but, in addition, it depends on past values of other variables. This naturally extends the concept of univariate stochastic process to vector time series analysis. This chapter describes the dynamic in
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Ch. 22 Unit root in Vector Time series 1 Multivariate Wiener Processes and multivari- ate FCLT Section 2.1 of Chapter 21 described univariate standard Brownian motion W(r) as a scalar continuous-time process(W: rE0, 1-R). The variable W(r) has a N(O, r)distribution across realization, and for any given realization, w(r) is continuous function of the date r with independent increments. If a set of k such independent processes, denoted
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where a subscribed element of a matrix is always read as arou, column. Here we confine the element to be real number a vector is a matrix with one row or one column. Therefore a row vector is Alxk and a column vector is AixI and commonly denoted as ak and ai,respec- tively. In the followings of this course, we follow conventional custom to say that a vector is a columnvector except for
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Ch. 20 Processes with Deterministic Trends 1 Traditional Asymptotic Results of OlS Suppose a linear regression model with stochastic regressor given by Y=x!3+e,t=1,2,…,T,;B∈R or in matrix form y=xB+E We are interested in the asymptotic properties such as consistency and limiting
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Ch. 19 Models of Nonstationary Time Series In time series analysis we do not confine ourselves to the analysis of stationary time series. In fact, most of the time series we encounter are nonstationary. How to deal with the nonstationary data and use what we have learned from stationary model are the main subjects of this chapter 1 Integrated Process
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Ch. 17 Maximum likelihood estimation e identica ation process having led to a tentative formulation for the model, we then need to obtain efficient estimates of the parameters. After the parameters have been estimated, the fitted model will be subjected to diagnostic checks This chapter contains a general account of likelihood method for estimation of the parameters in the stochastic model
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Ch. 15 Forecasting Having considered in Chapter 14 some of the properties of ARMA models, we now show how they may be used to forecast future values of an observed time series. For the present we proceed as if the model were known ecactly Forecasting is an important concept for the studies of time series analysis. In the scope of regression model we usually
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Ch. 14 Stationary ARMA Process a general linear stochastic model is described that suppose a time series to be generated by a linear aggregation of random shock. For practical representation it is desirable to employ models that use parameters parsimoniously. Parsimony may often be achieved by representation of the linear process in terms of a small number of autoregressive and moving
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