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A point at which two or more elements have common connection is called node(节点). Suppose that we start at one node in a network and move through a simple element to the node at the other..., if no node was encountered more than once, then the set of nodes and elements that we have passed hrough is defined as path(路径)
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72.1 B-ISDN Manfred N.Huber B-ISDN Services and Applications- Asynchronous Transfer Mode.Transmission of B-ISDN Signals.ATM Adaptation Siemens Layer. B-ISDN Signaling J.N.Daigle 72.2 Computer Communication Networks Commun University of Mississippi General Networking Concepts Computer Con ication Network Architecture. Local-Area- Networks and Internetssome Joseph Bannister Additional Recent Developments University of Southern 72.3 Local-Area Networks
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在计算机网络上配置网络操作系统OS ( Network Operating System),是为了管理网络中 的共享资源,实现用户通信以及方便用户使用网 络,因而网络操作系统是作为网络用户与网络系 统之间的接口。 以推出的时间来说,UNIX为最早, Netware为第二, Windows NT最晚
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Outline Background and Definitions Shortest path Minimum spanning tree Introduction to Travelling Salesman Problem and Chinese Postman Problem
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一、VLAN概述和用途 VAN(Virtual Local Area Network)是局域网的仿真,它允 许数据的传送不受物理网络限制。借助第三层交换机的路由功 能及强有力的网管软件,可以对网络结构进行逻辑更改,避免 了昂贵耗时的物理重构,减少网管开销
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§3 - 1 概述 §3 - 2 网络计划技术 概述( N.P.T ) ( Network Planning Techniques )
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Medical Genetics The immune system is a network of interacting cellular and soluble components. Its function is to distinguish entities within the body as \self\ or \nonself\ and to eliminate those that are nonself
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Hydrogels in drug delivery Control of drug release kinetics by hydrogel structure6, Release from stable hydrogels is controlled by diffusion of solute through the network Diffusion is described by Fick,s second law
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Link Layer: setting the context actual PDu flow Router r1 applicatio pp lication transport trar sport network net vork data link
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IP datagram format IP protocol version 32 bits Imber total datagram header lenath lver/head pe length(bytes) (bytes) Hlen service
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