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Unit Two Text B 1. Pre-reading Ta 1. How did the first american music begin? Why do so many people around world love American music? 3. What role does modern science play in the development of American music? 4. When and where did the word \music!\first appear in the American history?
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Unit Four The virtual world Teaching Period 10(1-2) Reference book: (New) Integrated Course 2 Student's and Teaching's book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice
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Some key facts 2. 8 billion people two in five--stil struggle to survive on less than $2 a dav In 2000, 1. 1 billion people did not have reasonable access to safe drinking water World population will increase from 6.4 billion today to 8.9 billion by 2050
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Corporate finance 1. Theoretical Approaches 1.1. Corporate Finance in Arrow-Debreu world Complete market, perfect market, perfect competition, symmetric information, private consumption Risk: risk sharing, risk pooling, technology shocks, individual vs aggregate shocks Lucas(1978): existence of equilibrium asset price Merton: continuous-time pricing model
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That streams of electrons possess the properties of beams of waves was dis- covered early in 1927 in a large industrial laboratory in the midst of a great city, and in a small university laboratory overlooking a cold and desolate sea. The coincidence seems the more striking when one remembers that facil- ities for making this discovery had been in constant use in laboratories throughout the world for more than a quarter of a century. And yet the coincidence was not, in fact, in any way remarkable. Discoveries in physics are made when the time for making them is ripe, and not before; the stage is set, the time is ripe, and the event occurs-more often than not at widely separated places at almost the same moment
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The Global environment oIn the past, managers have viewed the global sector as closed Each country or market was assumed to be isolated from others Firms did not consider global competition, exports oToday's environment is very different managers need to view it as an open market Organizations buy and sell around the world Managers need to learn to compete globally Irwin/McGraw-Hill CThe McGran-Hill Companies, Inc, 2000
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Macroenvironmental forces World trade enablers Asian economic power Rise of trade blocs International monetary crises Use of barter countertrade Move towards market economies Global lifestyles C2000 Prentice Hall
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1. to know current situation and the future in the telecommunication world Teaching 2. to understand the main idea and organization of the text
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浏览WWW World Wide Web简称W,也称万维网。 网页(Web页):浏览器中所看到的画面 Web站点:多个相关的Web页组合 Web服务器:放置Web站点的计算机
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Chapter 11 Electronic Commerce logistics 11.1 The Overall Electronic Commerce Logistics 11.1.1 The Logistics And the Logistical System Interest in the Internet has changed so drastically in recent years that one can speak of a universal breakthrough. The remarkable increase in users can be attributed mainly to the appeal of the World Wide Web, the Internet feature that is enjoying the greatest growth. There is some
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