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John Foster/Masterfile Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories The Mackenzie River, in the Northwest Territories, is Canada's largest river system. This photo shows the delta region, where oil and natural gas deposits are located
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Australia-the Great South Land(session 1)
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a Bird's-eye view of the Maple leafland Canada Figures and facts Economy and Geography Natural wonders Maple leaf express
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One of the primary principles of Rousseau's political philosophy is that politics and morality should not be separated. When a state fails to act in a moral fashion it ceases to function in the proper manner and ceases to exert genuine authority over the individual. The second important
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Thomas Hobbes 15884.5~1679.12.4) Encarta Encyclopedia, Archivo Iconografico, 5.A. Corbis English political philosopher and is best known for his treatise Leviathan Written during the mid-17th century amidst the tumult of the English
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FOUR COLONY MODELS(1) Model of VIRGINIA (Jamestown 1607) Captain John Smith John Rolfe(married princess of an Indian tribe chief) House of Burgesses
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FOUR COLONY MODELS (4) Model of Pennsylvania(Quaker founder: William Penn seeking a place for their religious belief which included people contact directly with God, the inner light, God is in everyone's soul simple but productive life, thrifty and self-denial)
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Alexander Hamiton (1755~1804) Encarta Encyclopedia, Hulton Deutsch One of the boldest American political thinkers of his time. Hamilton developed the doctrine of implied powers, which supports liberal interpretation of the U.S Constitution. He also served as the nation's first secretary of the treasury
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FOUR COLONY MODELS (3) Model of Maryland(Catholic) founder: the second Lord Baltimore; carried out his father's will in 1632 (His father George Calvert, with a granted charter in 1623 from the King but died before long.)
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National Motto of the United States In God We Trust The phrase derives from the line \And this be our motto. 'In God is our trust, \in the battle song that later became the U.S. national anthem, \The Star-Spangled Banner. \The phrase first appeared on U. S. coins in 1864 and became
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