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§ 1.1 测绘学与测量学 § 1.2 测绘学的发展现状 一、测绘学的发展简史 二、现代测绘学的发展现状 三、我国测绘事业的发展 四、地球空间信息学与现代测绘学的任务 § 1.3 测量学的应用和在土木建筑工程中的作用 § 1.4 学习测量学的目的和要求 • 掌握现代普通测量学的基本知识和基本理论 • 具有使用常规测量仪器的操作技能,了解先进测绘仪器的原理和使用方法 • 掌握大比例尺地形图测图原理和方法,了解数字测图过程,能正确使用地形图 • 掌握测量数据处理的基本理论和评定测量精度的一般方法 • 能正确使用测量仪器进行一般施工测量
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Dirichlet Model Problems Strong Form Domain: Q =(0, 1) Find u such that (0)=(1)=0 for given f SMA-HPO⊙1999M Poisson in Rl. Formulation 1
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A posteriori error estimates are arguably more useful than a priori esti mates since we know uh. Bear in mind, however, that (i) in most methods
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Shock Capturing vs. Shock Fitting hocks when the shocks or di n the solution as regions of large gradients without having to give them any special treatment. If we use conservative schemes, the Lax-Wendroff theorem 's. will be to a weak solution We know tha reak solutions satisfy the jump conditions and therefore give the correct shock
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Finite Volume Computational Cells Discretization
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Motivation The Poisson problem has a strong formulation; a minimization formulation; and a weak formulation. The minimization/weak formulations are more general than the strong formulation in terms of reqularity and admissible data
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Scalar Definitions Conservation Laws
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1 Scalar Conservation laws 1.1 Definit 1.1.1 Conservative form
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Integral Equation Methods Reminder about galerkin and Collocation Example of convergence issues in 1D First and second kind integral equations Develop some intuition about the difficulties Convergence for second kind equations Consistency and stability issues
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