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Convergence Issues Synthesis equation: None. since integrating over a finite interval Analysis Equation: Need conditions analogous to CTFT, e. g
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Convolution Property 0(t)=h(t)*(t)←→Y(j)=H(ju)X( where h(t)←→H(ju) A consequence of the eigenfunction property
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Another(important! ) example: Periodic Impulse train n(t)=∑(t Sampling function important for sampling .2T
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Portrait of Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier Image removed due to copyright considerations Signals& Systems, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J. Prentice Hall, 1997, p 179
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Question: Are there sets of basic\ signals so that a) We can represent rich classes of signals as linear combinations of these building block signals b) The response of ltI Systems to these basic signals are both simp and insightful Fact: For LtI Systems(CT or dt) there are two natural choices for these building blocks Focus for now:
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一、嵌入式系统的结构 二、DSP的发展历史和特点 三、DSP系统的设计 四、C6000DSP的CPU和存储器 五、DSP的中断使用 六、DSP的时钟 七、信号线的布置
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第一节汇编语言程序的编写方法 第二节汇编语言程序的汇编 第三节COF的一般概念 第四节目标文件的链接
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第一节基本性能第六节串行口 第二节CPU结构第七节与外设的接口 第三节内部总线结构第八节复位与省电 第四节存储器结构第九节中断 第五节在片外围电路第十节自举加载
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一、几个基本概念 二、计算机网络功能、组成、分类与结构 三、局域网技术与常用局域网 四、广域网技术 五、虚拟专用网
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一、选择合适的答案,填入空内。只需填入A、B或C (1)功率放大电路的最大输出功率是在输入电压为正弦波时,输出基本不失真情况下,负载上可能获得的最大 A.交流功率 B.直流功率 C.平均功率
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