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14-6 Effective values and power The effective or rms value of the function f(t) is
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14-8 Definition of the Fourier transform The exponential form of the Fourier series
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We define the unit impulse as a function of time which is zero when its argument, generally (t-o), is less than zero; which is also zero when argument is greater than zero; which is infinite when its argument is zero; and which has unit area
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15-4 Laplace transform of some simple time function 1. The unit step function
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15-6 The partial-fraction-expansion method
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We define transfer function H(s) as a ratio of the Laplace transform of system output (or response)(s) to the Laplace transform of the input(or forcing function)v(s) when all initial conditions are zero, then
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1. Augmented( incidence matrix of a directed graph nodes(N+1), branches(B)
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Relationship between branch and loop currents
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Let the initial voltages on the capacitors be represented as voltage sources in series with the capacitors and the initial currents through the inductors be represented as current sources in parallel with the inductors
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17-3 Loop analysis 17-4 Analysis of networks containing dependent sources
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