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在学习本章时,要熟练掌握支持计算机网络运 念和技术 行的关键基础设施之 传输介质,掌握传 掌握支持计算机网络运行的关键基础设 输介质的种类及产品
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【课程介绍】 C++是当今最流行的高级程序设计语言之一,应用十分广泛。它也 是一门复杂的语言,与C语言兼容,既支持结构化的程序设计方法, 也支持面向对象的程序设计方法。本教学大纲面向非计算机专业 C++程序设计》课程教学编制,并不企图涵盖C++语言的所有内容, 而是介绍最基本的概念、语法规则和编程方法(引言、基本的数据 类型、运算符和表达式、流程控制语句、函数、数组与字符串、指 针与引用、结构与链表、类与对象、运算符重载和面向对象的程序 设计基础)。教学编程环境: Visual++6.0
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一、掌握数组的基本概念; 二、熟练掌握一维数组和二维数组的使用方法; 三、掌握字符数组与字符串的关系 四、会分析、编写利用数组进行数据存储和处理的简单程序
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6. 111-Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory Project suggestions In past years, a great variety of projects have been successfully completed. The following is a list of some of these completed final project reports
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.111-Introdi igital Systems Labo Report guide Introduction The purpose of this memorandum is to describe general requirements for the reports you
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Computer Science 6.111-Introductory Digital Sy Laborator How to Make Your 6.1ll Project Work There are a few tricks of the trade \which allow an experienced digital designer to fix problems quickly. This note is an attempt to fill you in on some with which you might not
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Automatic Repeat ReQuest(ARQ) When the receiver detects errors in a packet, how does it let the transmitter know to re-send the corresponding packet? Systems which automatically request the retransmission of missing packets or packets with errors are called ARQ systems Three common schemes Stop Wait
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Queueing Systems Used for analyzing network performance In packet networks, events are random Random packet arrivals Random packet lengths While at the physical layer we were concerned with bit-error-rate, at the network layer we care about delays How long does a packet spend waiting in buffers
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RESERVATION SYSTEMS Single channel shared by multiple users Only one user can use the channel at a time Need to coordinate transmissions between users Polling systems Polling station polls the users in order Polling to see if they have something to send station A scheduler ca
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