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《植物化学保护》课程教学资源(英文讲稿)An Introduction To The Health Effects of Pesticides(PPT)
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《植物化学保护》课程教学资源(英文讲稿)Alternative Pesticides and New Developments in Pesticide Usage in Orchard Crops
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《植物化学保护》课程教学资源(英文讲稿)Codex Alimentarius Committee on Pesticide Residues
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《植物化学保护》课程教学资源(英文讲稿)Labels and Pesticide Formulations
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《植物化学保护》课程教学资源(英文讲稿)IPMA Primer
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《植物化学保护》课程教学资源(英文讲稿)Integrated Pest Management for Urban Landscapes
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《植物化学保护》课程教学资源(英文讲稿)Fungicide Use and Aerial Application
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《植物化学保护》课程教学资源(英文讲稿)Cross-Border Issues in Environmental Toxicology the US EPA Experience
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《植物化学保护》课程教学资源(英文讲稿)Considerations on Foliar Applications and Volume of Pesticides
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《植物化学保护》课程教学资源(英文讲稿)Pesticide Waste Challenges
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