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Chapter 3 Number Systems and Boolean Algebra Key points: useful terms and definitions of Number system and Boolean Algbra Difficult points: Conversion of the Number Systems and Boolean Algbra
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:411KB 文档页数:59
Chapter Operating System Key points: Function and structure of Operating System Difficult points: Resource allocation and related functions User interface functions
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Chapter 7 Programming Languages Key points: useful terms and definitions of programming languages Difficult points: describing the differences between compilers and interpreters
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Chapter 4 Data Structure Key points: useful terms and definitions of data structure Difficult points: Stack, queue, tree
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Windows常用命令集 wInver 一一一检查 windows版本 wmimgmt. msc 一打开 windows管理体系结构(wmi) windows更新程序 w脚本 windows脚本宿主设置
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0.25 zero(O, naught) point two five plus,positive
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Unit 1 About Computer Text 1 Can You recognize Them? or Modern computers are electronic and digital devices. Figure 1-1 shows the basic organization of a personal computer, Figure 1-2 shows a notebook computer
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Unit 10 Program Design Text 1 Computer Languages Computer languages have undergone dramatic evolution since the first electronic computers were built. Early on, programmers worked with the most primitive computer instructions machine language. These instructions were
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:349KB 文档页数:43
1. Three reasons for using data structures are efficiency, abstraction, and reusability. 2. The properties of Stack, Queue, and Tree 3. 掌握常用英汉互译技巧
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