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第一节,连续时间金融的基础数学知识 第二节, Merton(1969)的开创性论文; 第三节,讲解 Black-Scholes—模型; 第四节,简单回顾最新连续时间金融理论研究
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一、证券概述 1.证券的产生 2.证券的概念 3.证券的分类 4.证券制度的基础 二、股票 1.股票的概念 2.股票的特性 3.股票的类型 4.股票的几个重要价值指标 5.股票的股息和红利 6.股票的拆股和并股 7.股票回购 三、债券 1.债券的概念 2.债券的特征 3.债券的类型 4.债券和股票的区别 四、证券投资基金 1.证券投资基金的含义和性质 2.证券投资基金的主要类型 五、金融衍生证券新趋势 1.金融衍生证券的概念和金融创新发展 2.金融衍生证券的主要类型 3.两种最基础衍生证券
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一、填空题,每题1分,共10分 1.贮藏手段是货币退出流通,以社会财富的直接被贮藏起来的职能。 2.通常将信用的基本特征简要概括为: 3.货币资本所有权和 的分离是利息产生的经济基础。 4.金融市场,通常是指以金融资产为交易对象而形成的及其机制的总和。 5.资产业务是商业银行利润的来源,其资产业务主要是贷款和投资。 6.基金组织是指筹集、管理、某种专门基金的金融机构
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第一篇国际金融基础 第一章外汇与汇率 1.外汇的定义 2.外汇的种类 3.汇率及其内涵 4.汇率的标价方式 5.汇率的种类 6.汇率的决定基础及其影响因素
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Chapter 14: Contents Distinction Between Forward The \Implied\Risk-Free Rate Futures Contracts The Forward Price is nota The Economic Function of Forecast of the Spot Price Futures Markets Forward-Spot Parity with Cash The Role of Speculators Payouts
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Contents Introduction Reading Stock Listings The Discounted Dividend model Earnings and Investment Opportunities A Reconsideration of the Price/Earnings Multiple Approach Does Dividend Policy Affect Shareholder Wealth?
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Chapter 2 Contents What is a Financial Financial Market Rates System Financial Intermediaries The Flow of Funds Financial Infrastructure The Functional and Regulation Perspective Governmental& Quasi- Financial Innovation Governmental the“Invisible Hand
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Chapter 15 Contents How Options Work Investing with Options The Put-Call Parity Relationship Volatility Option Prices Two-State Option Pricing Dynamic Replication the Binomial Model The Black-Scholes model Implied Volatility
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Chapter 4 Contents Compounding Perpetual Annuities Frequency of Compounding Loan Amortization Present Value and Exchange Rates and Time Discounting Value of Money Alternative Discounted Inflation and Discounted Cash Flow Decision Rules Cash Flow Analysis Multiple Cash Flows Taxes and Investment Annuities
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