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Unit 9 Computer virus Text 1 Virus Introduction Viruses will cause much confusion. Even some virus\experts\will misinform the cause of the virus. Let's define what we mean by virus a virus is a program that reproduces its own code by attaching itself to other executable files
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6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Copyright o 2004 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.001 Notes: Section 7.1 Slide 7.1.1 In the past few lectures, we have seen a series of tools for helping us create procedures to compute a variety of Good programming practices
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6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Copyright o 2004 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.001 Notes: Section 6.1 Slide 6.1.1 Types When we first starting talking about Scheme expressions, you may recall we said that(almost )every Scheme expression had
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6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Copyright o 2004 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.001 Notes: Section 5.1 Slide 5.1.1 In this lecture we are going to continue with the theme of building abstractions. Thus far, we have focused entirely on Procedural
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6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Copyright o 2004 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.001 Notes: Section 4.1 Slide 4.1.1 Today ' s topics In this lecture, we are going to take a careful look at the kinds
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Introduction to Probability Probability is the last topic in this course and perhaps the most important. Many Igorithms rely on randomization. Investigating their correctness and performance re- quires probability theory. Moreover, many aspects of computer systems, such as memory
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Recursion-breaking an object down into smaller objects of the same typeis a ma- jor theme in mathematics and computer science. For example, in an induction proof we establish the truth of a statement()from the truth of the statement P(n-1). In pro- gramming, a recursive algorithm solves a problem by applying itself to smaller instances
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1 Induction Recall the principle of induction: Principle of Induction. Let P(n) be a predicate. If ·P(0) is true,an for all nE N, P(n) implies P(n+1), then P(n) is true for all nE N As an example let's try to find a simple expression equal to the following sum and then use induction to prove our guess correct 1·2+2·3+3:4+…+n·(mn+1) To help find an equivalent expression, we could try evaluating the sum for some small n and(with the help of a computer) some larger n sum
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Unit 1 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES Vocabulary 1 (paragraph 1-2) 1. ingredient.成分,因素 2. digital computer数字计算机 3. inherent adj.固有的,内在的 4. storage capacity存储容量 5. image processing图象加工,图象处理 6. real-time process control实时过程控制 7. time consuming adj.耗费时间的
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Introductory Questions 1. What do you know about computer and internet 2. What kinds of fields do you think we can use computer and internet? (examples) 3. What's your opinion about internus?
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