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1. Overview 1. World café market 2. History 3. What is Starbucks 4. Company’s figure 5. Business model 6. Marketing strategy 3 Starbacks 2. Analysis 1. SWOT 2. Chinese market 3. Starbucks in China 4. Competitors 5. Obstacles 6. Future plan
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《营销管理》学习指导:Sample Marketing Plans_Sigmunds Pasta Marketing
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《营销管理》学习指导:Sample Marketing Plans_Sigmunds Pasta Marketing
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• The Goods-Services Continuum • Characteristics of Service Products • Determinants of Service Quality • Service Marketing
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Sales and Marketing Group, Information Division, FAO aahl oLshotNU-s Teal d 0697os fi E-ma fap.org/catalog/giphomehtm PUBLIC PUNTOS VENTA DE PUBLICACIONES DE LA FAC Mundi Prensa Libros S.A
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复旦大学:《学术英语(管理科学)Academic English for Business》学术英语综合素养教学课件_Unit 2 Marketing Text A The business of marketing
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对外经济贸易大学:《营销学原理》课程教学资源(授课教案,2007)Session 14 Personal Selling, Customer Relationship Management & Online Marketing
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对外经济贸易大学:《营销学原理》课程教学资源(授课教案,2007)Session 13 Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising, Public Relations & Sales Promotion
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对外经济贸易大学:《营销学原理》课程教学资源(授课教案,2007)Session 06 Company and Marketing Strategy
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1 summary 1.1 the company 1.2 analysis of the market 1.3 brand example 2 information accessment2.1 target market 2.2 product positioning 2.3 marketing strategy3 solution 3.1 targeting strategy 3.2 product positioning 3.3 marketing strategy 4 justification The example of swatch
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