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problem you will study how to represent various concepts and quantify various relations with membership functions. For each part below, there is more than one correct answer. Provide one of these and justify your choice in each case. (a)Draw a membership function (and hence define a fuzzy set) that quantifies the set of all people of medium height
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16.322 Stochastic Estimation and Control Professor Vander Velde 1. P(ABCD.=P(A)P(B A)P(C|AB)P(D 1 ABC) Derive this by letting A=CD. Then P(BCD)= P(CD)P(B ICD)= P(C)P(DIC)P(DICD) 2. If A,, A2r.. is a set of mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive events, then
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The set of variables is a hybrid set that may include both currents and voltages. They are the inductor currents and the capacitor voltages. Each of these quantities may be used directly to express the energy stored in the inductor or capacitor at any instant of time. They collectively describe the energy state of the system. They are called the state variables
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一.C54X汇编工具的使用 C54X的源程序可以使用汇编或C语言编 写。使用汇编语言是可以使用助记符 指令集(Mnemonic Instruction Set )或代数指令集(Algebraic Instruction Set),但两种不能混用
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Brian C Williams, copyright 2000 Mode estimation Mode reconfiguration Select a most likely set of Select a least cost set of component modes that are commandable component consistent with the model and modes that entail the current observations
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Production Plans with Multiple Outputs Lety≡(m,,…,ym) be a net output vector, YArn be a convex set,G:Y→R be twice differentiable Production possibility set:{y∈Y|G(y)≤0} Assumption 1.1. Gy (y)>0, Vi,yEY. Proposition 1. 12. Production frontier yEY G(y)=0 contains technologically efficient production plans Definition 1.1. Marginal rate of transformation
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主要内容 8.1集合API 8.2 CollectionIterator 8.2.1 Collection接口 8.2.2迭代Iterator器 8.3list、 Linked ListArray与 List 8.3.1List接口 8.3.2 LinkedListArrayList与类 8.4set、 SortedSet、 HashSetTreeSet与 8.4.1Set和 SortedSet接口
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Disioint-set data structure (Union-Find) Problem: maintain a dynamic collection of pairwise-disjoint sets S=(S Each set S; has one element distinguished as the representative element, rep[sil lust support 3 operations
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Graphs(review) Definition. a directed graph(digraph G=(, E)is an ordered pair consisting of a set y of vertices(singular: vertex) a sete c× of edges. In an undirected graphG=(V, E), the edge set e consists of unordered pairs of vertices In either case, we have El=O(v2).Moreover if G is connected, then E2v-l, which
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ynamic order statistics OS-SELECT(i, S): returns the i th smallest element in the dynamic set S. OS-RANK(, S): returns the rank ofx E S in the sorted order of s s elements IDEA: Use a red-black tree for the set S, but keep subtree sizes in the nodes
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