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Information related to the text Introduction Language points Study and Practice Reading activity Guided writing
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• 汉语成语英译 • 汉语典故英译 • 汉语俗语英译 • 汉语谚语英译 • 汉语歇后语英译
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Unit7 Part 1 Notes to Text Part4 Extensive Reading Part 2 Word Study Part5 Notes to Passage Part3 Practice on Text Part6 Practice on Passage
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II. Review: Have a dictation of the new words in Unit 8 Section A: formal/informal, elementary, specialize, confine, occupation, render, preferable, resident, civilization, incredible, contribution, wisdom, accumulate distinguish
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I. Teaching aims: 1) to learn the new words and expressions )to improve reading skills 3)to analyze the structure of the text II. Focus of teaching:
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文档格式:PPT 文档大小:968.5KB 文档页数:58
《大学英语精读》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Uint Three 我为什么当老师 Why I Teach
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I Teaching aims: 1. to learn the new words and expressions; 2. to improve reading skills 3. to analyze the structure of the text II.Teaching focus: 1.key words:
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:85KB 文档页数:62
《大学英语精读》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Unit Two 环球航行 Sailing Round the World
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:46.5KB 文档页数:5
I Teaching aims: 1. to learn the new words and expressions; 2. to improve reading skills 3. to analyze the structure of the text II.Teaching focus: 1.key words:
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