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PIHs is an acute or specific hypertension of pregnancy which is peculiar to pregnant or puerperal women Diagnosis of PIHs is made on the basis of development of hypertension with or without proteinuria ,edema ,or both after the twentieth week of gestation ,although the signs and symptoms may appear earlier with hydatidiform moles
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定义 Pregnancy --induced hypertension syndrom(pH): 发生于妊娠20周以后,表现为高血 压、蛋白尿、浮肿,严重出现抽搐、 迷,甚至母婴死亡
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Synonyms leiomyoma of uterus leiomyomas fibromyomas myofibromas fibroids fibromas myomas
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Introduction Pelvis Pelvic floor External genitalia Internal genitalia Vessel and nerve and lymph Adjacent organs
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Bony pelvis Sacrum(骶骨 CHAPTER 3 Embryology. Anatomy, and Reproductive Genetics Sacroiliac joint Anterior superior iliac spine Coccyx(尾骨 Greater sciatic foramen Inguinal ligament Linea terminalis Ischial spine Lesser sciatic foramen Coxae(髋骨 Sacral foramen Obturator foramen Obturator membrane
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一、妊娠生理 二、受精及受精卵的发育、输送及着床 1 精子获能 2 顶体反应 3 着床的条件 三、透明带必须消失 四、囊胚细胞滋养必须分化出细胞滋养细胞 五、囊胚与子宫内膜发育同步 六、必须有足够的孕酮支持
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Topics today 一、Normal puerperium 二、Diseases of puerperium 三、 Ectopic pregnancy 四、 Abortion
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一、早产:28周〈37周 二、足月产:37周-〈42周 三、过期产:〉或=42周
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第一节孕妇监护 一、产前检查的时间 二、首次产前检查
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Definition Fetal distress is defined as depletion of oxygen and accumulation of carbon dioxide,leading to a state of \hypoxia and acidosis during intra-uterine life
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