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Single equation regression models: -The dependent variable, Y, is expressed as a linear function of one or more explanatory variables, the Xs. Assumption the cause-and-effect relationship, if any, between Y and the Xs is unidirectional: explanatory variables are the cause; the dependent variable is the effect
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14.1 Restricted Least Squares (RLS) 1. OLS and RLS ()Unrestricted least squares(ULS) When using the ordinary least square method(OLS) to estimate the parameters, we do not put any prior constraint() or restriction(s) on the parameters. So we can estimate the parameters without any restrictions. This is ULS
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Ch. 13 Difference Equations 1 First-Order Difference Equations Suppose we are given a dynamic equation relating the value y takes on at date t to another variables Wt and to the value y took in the previous period: where o is a constant. Equation(1)is a linear first-order difference equation a difference equation is an expression relating a variable yt to its previous values
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12.1 The Nature of Autocorrelation 1. Definition (1) CLRM assumption: No autocorrelation exist in dishurbances ui; E(iμi)=0 Autocorrelation means: E(μiμ)≠0 (2) Autocorrelation is usually associated with time series data, but it can also occur in cross-sectional data, which is called spatial correlation
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一、狭义的工具变量法(IV) 二、间接最小二乘法(ILS) 三、二阶段最小二乘法(2SLS) 四、三种方法的等价性证明 五、简单宏观经济模型实例演示 六、主分量法的应用 七、其它有限信息估计方法简介 八、k级估计式
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One of the CLRM assumptions is: there is no perfect multicollinearity-no exact linear relationships among explanatory variables, Xs, in a multiple regression. In practice, one rarely encounters perfect multicollinearity, but cases of near or very high multicollinearity where explanatory variables are approximately linearly related frequently arise in many applications
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Ch. 11 Panel Data model Data sets that combine time series and cross sections are common in econo- metrics. For example, the published statistics of the OECD contain numerous series of economic aggregate observed yearly for many countries. The PSID is a studies of roughly 6000 families and 15000 individuals who has been interviews periodically from 1968 to the present
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The models we discussed are models that are linear in parameters; variables Y and Xs do not necessarily have to be linear The price elasticity of demand~the log-linear models The rate of growth~semilog model Functional forms of regression models which are linear in parameters, but not necessarily linear in variables:
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Ch. 23 Cointegration 1 Introduction An important property of (1) variables is that there can be linear combinations of theses variables that are I(O). If this is so then these variables are said to be cointegrated. Suppose that we consider two variables Yt and Xt that are I(1) (For example, Yt= Yt-1+ St and Xt= Xi-1+nt.)Then, Yt and Xt are said to be cointegrated if there exists a B such
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Ch. 2 Probability Theory 1 Descriptive Study of Data 1.1 Histograms and Their Numerical Characteristics By descriptive study of data we refer to the summarization and exposition(tab- ulation, grouping, graphical representation) of observed data as well as the derivation of numerical characteristics such as measures of location, dispersion and shape
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