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Uint I. Basic listening practice 1. Script W: Have you chosen your elective for next semester yet? Are you taking Frenc riting again? M: Yes I am, but it's compulsory for us next semester. So i think I'm gong to do marketing as an elective instead
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一、由电路求响应 由S域等效电路 1.元件→域运算阻抗R,L,M,C→R,L,M、 sC信号→象函数i(t),u(t)→I(s),U(s)
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Service times M/G/1 General independent Poisson arrivals at rate λ Service time has arbitrary distribution with given E[X] and E[X2] – Service times are independent and identically
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fiberfibre光纤,纤维 emerge[i'm:d]ⅵ.出现,形成,浮现 emergence[i'm:3ns]n.浮现,出现 haul[h:1jvt.用力托;n.拖,拉,拖运的距离 long-haul长运距的,长途的 trunk[tr∧k]n.干线,中继线,中继线路,局内线 dominate[' d om i ne i t]vt.支配,统治;处于支配地位
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一、MKSA有理制 1、SI单位 基本单位:米、千克、秒、安培、开尔文、摩尔、坎德拉。 辅助单位:平面弧度、立体球面度。 词冠:兆(M-106)、千(K-103)、毫(m-10-3)、微(-10-6)
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Ⅱ. Listening skills W: How much money is the rent for an apartment in this neighborhood M: Your rent should be about a quarter of that Q How much should be the woman's rent be? 2. M: I paid $3, 500 for this digital camera. It was on sale at a 30$ discount w: Its a real bargain
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Ⅱ. Listening skills 1. M: Will you love and keep him in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live? Q: Who is the woman 2. W: Mike, wake upl It is time to go to school. Hurry up or you're going to be late M: Dont worry. I can sleep all day Did you forget today is Martin Luther King's
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【0-1】从基本单位换算入手,将下列物理量的单位换算为 SI 制。 (1)40℃时水的粘度 μ=0.00656g(cm·s) (2)某物质的比热容 CP=0.21BTU/(lb·F) (3)密度 ρ=1386kgf·s2/m4 (4)传热系数 KG=24.2kmol/(m2·h·atm) (5)表面张力 σ=71dyn/cm
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求解: M点可定; E1点可定; RN-1点可定;则 xN-1, RN-1可定 RN点可定, EN点可定, M’点可定;则SN可定
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一、选择题(每题3分。请将答案的序号填入划线内) 1.正方体仅受两个力偶作用,该两力偶矩矢等值、反向,即M1=M2,但不共线,则正方体 ①平衡; ②不平衡; ③因条件不足,难以判断是否平衡
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